Give Shelter Program

The Give Shelter Program enables members of the public and business community to purchase rooms to meet the short term crisis accommodation needs of homeless families and people.Our role is that of facilitators and we identify appropriate accommodation

  • We work on a room rate of $550 per week maximum.We match room gifts direct with desperate homeless people- (families first).Rooms are twin to quad configuration,and checked for compliance prior to acceptance.This is the maximum which you will pay-you may pay less.
  • While typical Givers are businesses, work groups, clubs and organisations wanting to provide direct assistance to homeless people, some families also choose to make a gift.There are no Tax deductions because we are not a charity. 
  • Payment is either by secure online gateway or direct deposit direct to the accommodation provider.We do not seek or accept booking fees or any payment from this service whatsoever.100% of what you give is guaranteed to fund a Room-For-A-Week for a Homeless person or family.
  • We may select to use your gift later,when it is most urgently needed -like tonight, when I just spent my last money topping up to get Nicole & little Jeremy a room.
  • Should we have a government who help? Yes we should. And NSW State and Australian Federal governments have recently told the people that they have spent hundreds of millions fixing the problem. They have certainly spent a lot of your money,but we in Sydney City cannot see where it has gone- we see NGOs infrastructure improving out of sight.We see guys who have slept rough for years walking out of HousingNSW provided temporary accommodation on the coldest nights in 61 years because the rooms have rising damp,stink and the owners treat Housing Tenants as cattle.We have women and young mothers with newborn babies ringing in tears to ask if we can help them because HousingNSW will not-or will not answer their "Hotlines."
If you can organise a collection and Give a Room for a Week, you help a homeless person or family directly-with no middlemen-with all the arrangements made by us.

***We offer paid room options first to establishments which donate rooms.